Virginia Ruth

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Day 19: Words and Pictures: Good

Our good and beautiful planet.

Good: Adjective: morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree; of high quality; excellent. Noun: profit or advantage; worth; benefit: excellence or merit; kindness:

It has been interesting during the pandemic to see different celebrities/personalities use the internet to deliver communication that is uplifting, positive and encouraging. While I mostly suspect it is being done to keep one’s name on the top of everyone’s list and to promote good PR (as there is such a thing as bad press), I find it interesting that it is being done nonetheless. How strange and refreshing it is that the majority of entitled, overindulged narcissistic individuals find that in times of crisis they turn to one another and values not bought with the Amex black card.

Actor John Krasinski has inaugurated a weekly SGN (Some Good News) youtube broadcast. I cannot tell his motivation- does he truly want to talk about good things happening with ordinary people rather than Hollywood and entertainment?- but he is recognizing hometown heroes and is trying to help those who have had to sacrifice something that was important to them due to the corona virus. The highlighted stories of the delivery people, the health care workers, grocery store folks reminds those who are providing the services, they are not forgotten and those who hear the stories to not forget that we are all in this together. I am sure that he hopes that one story of encouragement might lead to another person contributing to another story of encouragement and so on.

Isn’t that the way with good news? Bad news can spread like wild fire but good news can be the rain that puts the blaze out and contributes to the nurturing of the burnt ground. Bad news destroys but good news rebuilds. It rebuilds our faith in one another and ultimately can lead to rebuilding our faith in something/someone larger than ourselves.

In this past week’s segment, there is a little video shout-out from some members in the International Space Station. One of the astronauts, Dr. Andrew Morgan stated, “Earth in crisis is still a world worth returning to”. What a lovely and true sentiment. For all our problems and conflicts, the world is an interesting, beautiful, and wonderful place with interesting, beautiful and wonderful inhabitants. I think it is through crisis that defines and makes us: tension and conflict exposes vulnerability which exposes authenticity which aligns connectivity and community. That brings about the good in people and society.

What about you? Have you seen any of the celebrity youtube broadcasts? Where have you seen the greatest good happening in your community?