Virginia Ruth

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Day 9: Words and Pictures: Mercy

Luca Signorelli, The Crucifixion c. 1504/1505 tempera, oil, and gilding on panel. National Gallery of Art. I like the reminder of the two criminals alongside Christ: which one am I?

Good Friday. The day that is remembered for Christ’s crucification on the cross. His death was the eternal symbol for our death: through His sacrifice we are not sacrificed.

Mercy. In the Christian tradition, mercy means God not giving us what we deserve. As flawed humans due to our freedom of choice for original sin, we broke our relationship with the perfect, sinless God. Because of that, we cannot be in God’s presence: to be in His presence full of our sin would be our death. Our sin causes our death. In essence, we deserve to be on the cross but Jesus intervened for us.

I think all of us know the feeling, to some degree or another, of knowing we have received “a pass”: we know when we really deserved an “F” when we didn’t study; we didn’t get a ticket when we were pulled over for speeding; not being as caring as others seem to think we are. The two criminals condemned to death alongside Christ were going to get what they deserved- physical and spiritual death yet Jesus intervenes, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise’”.

As I reflect on this day, I am grateful that a loving God gave me an eternal “pass”: that He is not giving me what I truly deserve. The two criminals represent how I can be- one in mocking about Christ and one in accepting Him for who He is. God has shown great mercy on me. All I need to do is respond.

Do we offer mercy to others? We might even feel justified yet we choose not to act, do, or say to another what they truly deserve. What does that look like?