Cultivate a life of learning. No matter what age or stage you find yourself. You may not want “book” learning but still make a point of learning something new each year, each month, each day. One of the easiest ways to accomplish that is to read. Read the newspapers, magazines, online articles. Try and find a paper that might express a different opinion than yours.
Mind Practices
Keep a journal. Journaling is one of those pursuits that helps unleash your mind's potential. If words are not your cup of tea, try doodling or drawing. With today's smart phones you could also photo scenes, events, curiosities in a digital photo journal.
Learn a new language. Sign up for a class with a local community college or community center. Find an app for your smartphone or take an online course. Check out Duolingo on the go.
Learn an instrument. Dust off your old school instrument. Or pick up a new one- kazoo, trashcan drums or tin whistle are a lot of fun. Check out Youtube for instructions.
Take a class offered at a craft/hardware store. Learn a new skill- knitting, sewing, felting, wreath making, wood working, home repair.
Visit an art museum. Utilize the resources at the museum- audio tours, docent led tours, curator lectures.
Audit a local college course. Enjoy the knowledge without the pressure of grades.
Listen or view pre-recorded class lectures. Check out the Learning Company ( , or free online courses: ( or (
Practice writing stories. Randomly pick 5 words. Write a 250 word story incorporating those words. Or try the six word story inspired by Ernest Hemingway's, "For sale: baby shoes, never worn" (
Check out your local library. Many libraries offer lectures or classes. Talk to a librarian about starting a book club.
Ask questions. If you see someone doing a creative project- ask him/her where he/she learned.