Virginia Ruth

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Five Words

I was listening to a podcast interview and the interviewee shared some words of advice that she had once heard.  And so I share with you, what was shared to the listening audience that had been shared to her... (For those of you who are old enough to remember the old Faberge Organic Shampoo Commercial, “and they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on...”) 

Sharing our encouragements, life lessons and thoughts with one another is one of the main reasons I believe that we are called into community.  There is no way that one person can have all the wisdom  for life. Sure, there are wise individuals but because of our complexities and diversity we need the collective wisdom of one another.  We need to share that wisdom. I was reminded of that in watching the movie, Arrival. The only way to understand and save Earth from the “Aliens” (Though we see that in actuality, it is not the alien who is the problem- We need to be rescued from our panicky, anxious selves.) was to share with one another the information gathered in how to communicate with them. It was a good movie and had many underlying themes, but the getting along through words was one of them. 

Here are the five words that were shared in the interview.   Using your hand you can state each of the five words with each finger, putting down one digit as you recite the next in line.  And so on, and so on. 

5. How can I help you?  By asking another how we can help, we are setting up a different perspective for ourselves:  we are taking the focus off of us and placing the lens on another.  This helps us realize that we are not the sole proprietor of life. There are others in the world. It also puts us in a posture of humility and purpose.  We have an attitude of servitude- not because we are superior and we don’t have issues- but because your needs are just as (or more than not) important at this time than mine. Also, in helping others, we find a purpose, if not for a long haul, but for the immediate time.

4.  I’m proud of you. One of the most sought after emotion is to be known and recognized: acknowledged for who we are, for what we have done and for what we will be. These four words speaks into all relationships.  

3.  I love you.   Again, another emotion that all are craving:  love.  Especially unconditionally. 

2.  You too.  To love and be loved.  Doesn’t Alfred Lord Tennyson declare, “Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.”

1. We.  One word, yet a powerful collective.  Life is about all of us.  Not one.  Not a select few.  Not partial.   But We.  A beautiful sentiment.  (There is no “I’ in TEAM.)

What about you?  Do you have any couple of words or phrases by which you live? Words that speak to your heart?  Words that you feel have universal appeal? Do you reflect those words in your daily life? In how you live and treat others? 

What information do you feel is important to impart- to tell two friends, who tell two friends and so on, and so on...