Virginia Ruth

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One At a Time

The Second Edition contained the first three volumes from the 1st Edition.

Do you ever feel that your work, actions or ideas do not matter? That your toil is insignificant? That you, are insignificant? I know that I do at times. Most days I feel that I am working in a vacuum (and that is even before the COVID quarantine days). I wonder, does anyone hear me? Have I made a difference?

Recently I heard the story of Charles Bliss (born Karl Bleitz) the inventor of an ideographic writing system called Semantography. Bliss, a Holocaust survivor, believed that “war was often caused by the misuse of language, and he believed it could be overcome if we could create a way to communicate the truth without the trickery of words.” After the war, he and his wife put their lifesavings into publishing a book of the symbols and method. Unfortunately it never took off and was not recognized.

Many years later he received a letter from the director of a special needs school in Canada. The school worked with children living with Cerebral Palsy. The administrator, Shirley McNaughton had stumbled upon Charles’ book at the local library. In reading it, she realized that this method would be quite helpful for her students in learning and processing language.

Ms. McNaughton wrote to Mr. Bliss explaining how his system revolutionized learning for the students and provided them with a way of expression. Ms. McNaughton went on to share the system with other similar schools and programs around the world. While Charles did not receive the accolades that he thought he would, he did change the course of learning for a subset of individuals and made a difference to them. *

It makes me think about the plethora of books, articles and pamphlets floating about- whether in libraries, thrift shops, old bookstores, or on the internet. I wonder how many have ever been read and if any of the ideas or thoughts made any difference in the lives of the readers? Just as it took one person- Shirley McNaughton- to discover Mr. Bliss’ book, are there books out there that have only impacted one person- yet, in turn- that person took what she read and impacted many others.

Over the years I have had conversations with friends and family about jobs. Inevitably the question comes up, “When I leave this position, will any of the changes or improvements that I tried to do, continue?” “Have I made any difference to the organization?”

Sadly, the reality is probably not, at least not in the monumental ways that we would like to think.

But. We can and do make a difference in people’s lives. Small things. Significant ways. It might be a new outlook for someone or it might be a new habit. I think that is the way of most change. One interaction, one idea, one thing at a time.

Think of the times a friend might say they like a certain food. Or perhaps they mention a new exercise regime. Or a book that was meaningful. It might be a suggestion that we try out for ourselves. Sometimes it can lead to a lifestyle improvement.

I have no idea if I have impacted anyone with my thoughts and writings. Although recently, I received a critique on a creative non-fiction contest entry. (Alas, I did not win.) The reviewer mentioned that she had a shared experience with my subject matter and that what I wrote did have her thinking about that experience in a new way. So I guess, there is one reader who might move forward in life in a different direction or thinking due to writing ideas?

What about you? Have you read something, perhaps obscure, that changed your thinking? Your habits? Your life? Is there a way for you to reach out to the author or speaker? To thank them and let them know the impact. Have you ever received notification from someone that your work made a difference to them? What was it? How did that make you feel? How can you impact one individual today?

When I feel insignificant I try to remember to get out of myself- to think of others and to look at the broader picture. I am reminded to, once again, pray the daily prayer:


Lead me today to those I need,

and to those who need me,

and may something I do have eternal significance.
