Virginia Ruth

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Time Suck*- an inefficient or unproductive activity, process, etc.; a waste of time.

On a recent Sunday the sermon challenged us to look at the things to which we are devoted. If one has trouble thinking about it, consider: What does our calendar look like? What does our budget (or checking account) look like? What does our internet history look like? Those questions can help us determine where we spend our time, money and attention.

I have been thinking about that lately. I realize that while I do need to tweak some of my time management as well as managing our budget a little better, the biggest area I need to address is my internet history. Nothing shocking but just time wasters. Do I really need to know that Sidney Poitier was tone deaf and his singing was dubbed in Lilies of the Field? How will it help my life’s purpose to have watched on youtube an old Password game featuring Gary Morton, Lucille Ball and children, Lucie and Desi Jr (Though it was funny to watch the reactions of the children. Lucie Arnaz is a typical preteen! And it was rather nice to see Gary Morton stand when any of the ladies stood up.)

So, if I am spending too much time with time wasters, where would I like to direct my time? More importantly, am I listening to where God wants me to direct my time?

I must admit I do not read nearly as much as I want to, nor do I enjoy my home as much as I could. Sitting in our living room and reading an engaging novel is too infrequent. A couple years ago I had a volunteer church meeting on our screened porch. One of the attendees was very complimentary about our home decor noting it was very inviting for gathering. I realized that we did have options for seating yet I couldn’t remember the last time I actually sat down to enjoy any of the spaces.

I am wondering if I got rid of the time suckers would I then have more wiggle room in my schedule? Would I be in a better position to be available for whatever God would have me do? I have finally come to the conclusion and the acceptance that, no matter what schedule I may have planned for the day, week, month or even year- it is always changing.

Since interruptions are a given, I should allow the rest of the time to be more focused on what I want and need to do. Or in other words, if I removed the wasted time in my schedule, the unplanned activities would fit in nicely.

What about you? In what areas do you struggle- time, money, attention? How would you like to manage them?

Lord, today is a new day- full of possibilities. As our day unfolds, help us to be disciplined in the areas that we need to do yet foremost, help us to be open and flexible to the areas that You need us to do. Amen.

* Just writing the word, “suck” makes me think of a scene from the BBC period drama, Cranford staring all those you know and love from the UK: (One could argue that the drama alone is a time suck- oh the irony.)


Miss Deborah Jenkyns has very definite views on many aspects of everyday life. One should not, for example, mention the word "poverty" out loud. But what about the delicate operation known as "eating an orange"? She and her sister Matty had to maintain their decorum when consuming the fruit with Mary, a fresh-faced newcomer to Cranford. The hapless Mary made the mistake of admitting she liked to suck out the juice through a hole in the rind, and Deborah was quite simply horrified by the revelation.

"My sister does not care for the expression 'suck'," Matty explained. "It is altogether too redolent of a ritual undertaken by little babies." After this appalling transgression in vocabulary, Deborah announced that they had no other option but to "repair to our rooms and consume our fruit in solitude". Quite right too.” (