People Walkers
“Need motivation to walk? Scared to walk alone at night? Don’t like walking alone at all? Don’t want people to see you walking alone and just assume you have no friends? Don’t like listening to music or podcasts but can’t walk alone in silence, forced to face thoughts of the unknown future, or your own insignificance in the ever expanding universe?”
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you might be interested in hiring a people walker.
My husband shared with me an interesting article in The Guardian. Just as you can hire a dog walker to take your pooch out for exercise and some companionship during the day, you can hire people walkers to do the same. A gentleman from LA started this business, more as a joke, but soon realized how much people are craving for connectivity. For all our highfalutin techno society we still long for simplicity and for human interaction.
I used to walk regularly with a friend. Due to life schedules we do not walk together any more. I really miss it. Certainly the exercise was great but it is the connection, the discussions and the interaction that I miss the most. We shared joys, sorrows, funny stories, life tips and encouragements with one another. There is something about walking and talking. Talking by itself is good but adding the walking element and you feel that you accomplishing something good for both body and mind.
What about you? Do you walk or exercise regularly? Do you have a companion or a walking partner? If not, would you like to try? You don't necessarily have to hire a people walker. Ask a neighbor to join you as you walk around the block. Or find a walking/running group in your community via Facebook, or neighborhood website? Check out the community bulletin boards at your local coffee shop, grocery store, or advertise yourself.
But, if you are looking for a new career- check out this guy's story: Click here to see the article.
Channel your Monty-Python?