Space. According to Star Trek it is the final frontier. Space in all its connotations is a frontier that I think we never will completely conquer.
When I think of space the context is
1. physical. When I am feeling overly cluttered with stuff invading our space in our home, basement, closets, dressers, etc. I feel out of sorts. My physical space is closing in on me and I begin to feel claustrophobic.
2. mental. When my physical space is out of sorts and disarrayed, I have trouble concentrating on any mental task at hand, e.g. writing. I need to have my space sorted. It doesn't have to be sterile but just a feeling that the items won't crowd out my clear thinking.
3. emotional. When #1 and #2 are crowded with too many physical and mental items, then I get emotionally overwhelmed with feeling like I have too little space, that I have too many demands on my time and attention and that I feel that my emotional space is overly cluttered. My balance is all out of sorts.
In the hopes of keeping some free space in all aspects of my life, I have challenged myself to get rid of 25% of my stuff. This is not an easy proposition. I am starting on the physical track- systematically going through each room in the house and trying to eliminate 1/4 of the items in each. I am hoping that once I let go of the physical, I will be able to see clearly what mental and emotional stuff I need to eliminate.
So, I am doing a deep sort of my closet and drawers. I have my piles: consignment, Goodwill, trash. It is such a cathartic experience. Because I want this to be an ongoing process, I have reminder notes in my drawers and closet that each time I wear something to evaluate it: What is the condition- any holes, pilling, worn areas? Do I like it? Does it fit me? Would it look better with some minor alterations? Can I wear it with three other items in my closet?
I'll let you know how I progress. For now it is like I have embarked on a new adventure.
What about you? How is the space in your life? Feeling cluttered, overwhelmed and claustrophobic? Or do have a good handle on the stuff in your possession? Do you have any processes that keep you clutter- free? For physical, mental and emotional items?