Reading Lists
Do you have a reading list? Books that you would like to read? Someday? I think I have one somewhere. I am sure that if I did, I would be much more efficient in my book choices and reading time.
What generally happens is that I will hear a book review on the radio. I then frantically look for a pen and paper to write down the title and author before I forget. I end up having all sorts of scraps of paper with scrawled titles and illegible author names. I never seem to find the time to combine those lists either onto a note on my phone or to some central location so that when I go to the library or book store, I have no clue of the books that I thought I wanted to read. I think what I might have to do is go with someone else's reading list, either from the library or one of the nice independent book stores in town.
While I may not have a list, I do have stacks of books at home that I plan to read. Someday. Most are older novels or classics that I have never read. Some are books that my mom gave me and others are ones I picked up at book sales. I do sometimes have a tendency to read books over again. Especially the ones which I can relate to the characters or the setting is such an imagined dream and that I want to return.
If you have never done so, I would suggest that you add the Bible to your reading list this year. While I feel that Bible is a living, God inspired book, it is also a piece of literature. Much of the old Masters paintings are Bible inspired. Knowing the various Bible stories is helpful in greater understanding of art and literature. Last year was the first year that I read the Bible in its entirety. It was life changing in so many ways not the least being that I have a better understanding of references.
What's on your reading list? What stack of books do you have in your queue? Do you like a specific genre? Do audio tapes work for you? Are you an e-reader? Do you like hard back or soft covers?