Dog Walking
Our male Jack Russell has become increasingly stubborn about his evening dog walk. Usually he is always ready for movement, whether that is a game of ball, a tussle with a chew animal or a walk outside. But lately he will hide when the leash comes out. We wonder what is up? Is he having PTSD?
Backstory: Both our dogs have always been calm when faced with loud noises, e.g. sirens, truck air brakes, fireworks. We were so surprised because our former Jack Russell would have none of the loud noises. He would bark loudly and ferociously at them. Was he telling them to be quiet or just didn't like the competition?
A couple of years ago while on vacation we were walking our dogs along the beach. It was evening time and we were walking along a service road that ended at a dismantled light house. Out of nowhere fireworks exploded overhead. Turned out, we were at the non-sanctioned town firework display gathering. Our female dog took the noise and lights all in stride. Our male, flattened his ears and pointed towards home. It wasn't as if any of the fireworks fell on him as they were exploding a bit from where we were walking. Nonetheless, ever since that time, any noise that sounds like a firework, explosion or even a car door slamming gets him all in a tizzy.
He needs his evening walk. We know that it is good for his digestion, for his weight and overall health. Yet, we cannot reason with him. He has to walk out of obedience to us.
Makes me think of how I am so much like our pooch in my treatment of God. There are things that He wants me to do. Things that are for my benefit and good health yet I refuse to do them. Truth be told, most times I am afraid to listen. Afraid that listening requires me to give up my plans and my control of my life. Afraid of being asked to do something that I cannot or do not want to do. Afraid that perhaps God, my creator, might not know what is best for me. Crazy.
I am sure that God wishes I would just listen. Although I am sure He isn't as frustrated as we get with our dog. I need to just do what is best for myself and get on with it. Yet I balk like my dog.
The thing is, our dog has never been hurt or maimed by the noises. We have never let any harm come to him on the walk or otherwise. We only want the best for him and act accordingly.
I know that God does the same. I just have to believe it.
What about you? Do you ever notice your behavior or lack thereof? What makes you balk when God asks you to do something? Are you afraid? Has He ever not had your best interest in mind?