Your Dad's Calling
I guess I have been spending a lot of time with my elderly father. When our phone rings I am pretty accurate in guessing that my dad is the one calling. Or, if we have been away I just have a feeling that he rang and in checking the caller ID will see a missed call from him. (He very rarely leaves a message, just a hang up.)
With my mother's death and these passing months I have gotten to know more and more of my dad's habits. I seem to be connected to his troubles and to his joys.
My uncanny ability to know when my dad's calling made me think of my heavenly father. I was thinking that as a Christ-follower I need to be in tune to God like that: to know His voice, His habits and His calling. I should have and need to have an internal feeling of connection.
Certainly knowing my dad didn't happen overnight. Even in the first five decades of my life I wasn't that in tune to his lifestyle. But over the course of this last year I have had to be. That intentional knowing about him has given us a connection.
The same can be applied to our knowing of God. I can't expect to automatically know about God. I need to spend time with Him, to listen for His voice and anticipate His calling. I may not be able to see Him physically but I can get to know Him through Bible reading, prayer and being around others and hearing their stories. It has to be intentional.
There is a Bible verse that talks about the sheep (you and me) knowing the voice of the shepherd (God). Even though sheep can be pretty dumb, lambs do know their mammas' voices. A field of young and mothers will bleat out to each other until they find each other.
What about you? Have you ever had a connection with a loved one that you knew when they would call? Or have a premonition when they were upset or when they were happy? How is your connection with God? Do you know Him? Spend time with Him? What would that require of you? Are you intentional in your relationship?
Well, gotta go, my dad's calling.