Day 14: Words and Pictures: Inspirational Views
Having to “stay in place”, it is easy to only see one’s four walls- to feel closed in and cramped. Even if the sky is grey and rainy, I still feel better- more hopeful, positive- when I see the vastness of earth and sky and sea. When I look up and see the clouds floating by or watch the ocean waves crash and roll on the shore I gain a perspective that there is more to life than just this very moment. Life was, before me and will come, after me. I am just a drop in the bucket. Instead of depressing me, it gives me a sense of peace- that I am a part, albeit small part, of this world and the continuum of time.
When I feel down, I look up.
Here are some pictures that bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. What about you? What pictures provide inspirational views for you?