Virginia Ruth

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Day 14: Words and Pictures: Inspirational Views

Japan’s Takizakura tree. Believed to be over 1,000 years old. Providing hope and inspiration for generations.

Having to “stay in place”, it is easy to only see one’s four walls- to feel closed in and cramped. Even if the sky is grey and rainy, I still feel better- more hopeful, positive- when I see the vastness of earth and sky and sea. When I look up and see the clouds floating by or watch the ocean waves crash and roll on the shore I gain a perspective that there is more to life than just this very moment. Life was, before me and will come, after me. I am just a drop in the bucket. Instead of depressing me, it gives me a sense of peace- that I am a part, albeit small part, of this world and the continuum of time.

When I feel down, I look up.

Here are some pictures that bring a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart. What about you? What pictures provide inspirational views for you?