Good Trouble
“My philosophy is very simple, when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, say something, do something, get in trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble!” US Rep. John Lewis*
Recently I heard the above song Good Trouble*. I thought it was powerful and got me thinking.
The issues addressing our country are far too complicated and too vast for me to weigh-in. I know that I am a person of privilege. As far as I know, none of my ancestors were directly involved in any type of slave ownership but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t benefit from how society was set up and established. So I too, recognize my skin color and what that represents.
The indirect consequences of any societal arrangement affects everyone. In today’s world, the slave/child labor for cheap goods affects everyone. While I may choose to not (knowingly) purchase product that has been manufactured in that vein, it is very hard to avoid it. The ramifications are spread throughout the web of the economy and I am sure that I have unwittingly contributed to a form of exploitation. What can I do about that?
I sometimes wonder if we will ever get away from a society divided into those who lord their privilege over others and those who have to “take” it? Will we ever remove the societal set-up of those who benefit through an exploitation of others? Unfortunately it is not a new phenomena: it has been around since the dawn of man and with every civilization. Probably not until God reconciles the new heaven and new earth will we be free of the grip of hatred, envy, power struggles and exploitation of our fellow humans.
And hatred is a grip on our soul. The only way to release its bond is through love: to see another as yourself and to treat them as you would want to be treated.
So until such time when all will be reconciled t0 God, I do find hope in songs like these. I may not be a John Lewis but I can use my voice and any “influence” or gifts (not that I have much or any at all) to speak out and speak for those who do not have any voice, “influence” or particular gifts. I can say “hey, that is not right” when I come across something that isn’t.
There is the recognition that we, as humans, do have a choice on how we want to live and the choice on how we want to respond to people around us. We are in good company if we decide to go against the norm and act out in “good trouble”.
Some days, some months, even some years it may not seem so, but in the end, love always wins.
*Good Trouble Lyrics:
My skin is alabaster
And I understand what that means
There's history in my color
And a burden in me and this free
And the burden is the wall between you and me
But there's a love that's still turning over tables
And a love making blinded eyes see
There's a healing that's waiting in the water
That's still making saints out of rebels
My God is still making good trouble
I've grown tired of being so careful
About speaking my truth with soft words
Out on the streets I'm fearful
Even though inside I know my worth
But I'll never give up even when it hurts
Because love is still turning over tables
And love still makes the blinded eyes see
And there's a healing that's waiting in the water
That's still making saints out of rebels
My God is still making good trouble
Good trouble
Good trouble
My God is still making good trouble
Good trouble
Good trouble
My God is still making good trouble
Even though we are all broken
There is a dream still worth holding
Let's walk towards the fire
And push past the fear
And call hate a liar
Loud and clear
There's a love that's still turning over tables
And the love making blinded eyes see
There's a healing that's waiting in the waters
That's still making saints out of rebels
My God is still making good trouble
Good trouble
Good trouble
My God is still making good trouble
Good trouble
Good trouble
My God is still making good trouble