Prayer Challenge
Are you up for a challenge? One that is really not too taxing, yet most likely will benefit you.
Could you pray for a month? Any kind of prayer. Whether or not you believe in God, prayer in the very basic form, is thinking: thinking more deeply about our own situation or others. It is working through thoughts and circumstances whereas mediation is more of a clearing of the mind. Click here for a CNN article about prayer. Prayer causes us to reflect upon our actions and others. Prayer causes us to pause in our day.
My personal belief is that prayer is a conversation with the Living God of the Universe and I believe that He listens and cares about what each one of us has to say. While God knows all that is happening, He is a loving and interested parent. I know as a parent, I love to hear and talk with our boys. I want to hear about their days and what they are thinking. I want to hear about the joys, sorrows, successes and failures.
The beauty of prayer is that is does not require any special equipment, posture, or incantations. Just an open and willing heart. Author Anne Lamott says there are really only three prayers that are needed: Help, Thanks, Wow. Anyone who has had to take any school test knows how to pray- Help! Anyone who has held a healthy newborn has said in her heart- Thanks! And anyone who has witnessed a gorgeous sunset has said- Wow! There are the day to day, minute by minute breath prayers: Breathe in- ask God for whatever (peace, patience, calm); Breathe out- release to God whatever stressful (your worries, anxieties, poor attitude). There are prayers of the saints and sinners written down in the Psalms, in hymns, or liturgical worship books to guide our thoughts. Sometimes we pray our own specific random prayers and other times, the words of others convey our hearts.
Many years ago I designed a month of prayer- a specific topic each day- to pray. It was geared for a church, where each member was asked to pray for two other members (the person alphabetically before and after their name). One didn’t even really need to know the specifics about the person for whom they were praying. It was an exercise to lift them up in prayer using specific topics.
Attached is a prayer calendar of various topics for November. The thought is to pray in concentric circles: yourself, your family, your spheres of influence, your neighborhood, your country, the world. Each day of the month has a suggested topic but it is just that, a suggestion. The hope is that the suggestion might cause you to think about some other topic, need or specific person. The suggested topics are just the tip of the iceberg of ideas for if you can think it, you can pray it.
The thing that I notice most about prayer, while prayer makes a difference in relationships and circumstances, mostly it changes me: my attitude, or my view of a situation or person will shift and I can see things I was blind to before or were hardened in my heart. Hopefully while I personally may benefit from prayer, I am also contributing to someone else’s well being.
What about you? Have you ever prayed in a specific daily way? What was that like? Any changes in you or the situation?
November 2021 Prayer Calendar
I finally received my author’s copy of the All God’s Creatures Daily Devotional. I have six devotionals included within! It is a thrill to have my “bio” included alongside with the other contributors. (Sadly, when I sent in the “bio” our two little rascals were still with us. Alas, they are no longer making our lives fun and miserable, but we are still learning from our animals. I have more devotionals coming featuring the lessons learned from Scuppers.)