This week I attended the book launch of a woman who has been attending my Tuesday PM Bible study. I have gotten to know her a little bit through our gatherings. When she made a comment about her new book, one that was twenty years in the writing, I knew I had to go.
Her book is a memoir about her life. Boy was I blown away with all that has happened to her in her lifetime. While I knew a little about her, nothing prepared me for her story. She is a remarkable person and has incredible resilience, strength and grace.
It just goes to show me that it is worth taking the time to get to know people. So many people have incredible stories if we just take the time to be with them and to listen.
What I love about the story is her honesty. She is quite candid about her feelings of all her travails. Part of me is chagrined as I read the book: she has endured more than any of us can imagine yet she has done so with grace. I wonder, no, I know, I wouldn't be so gracious. Yet she inspires me to be better.
It has me rethinking. How am I facing adversity? With grace and acceptance or with whining and gnashing of teeth? How am I in listening to others' stories? Do I take the time? What life lessons am I missing in my oblivion?
What about you? Read any inspiring books lately? What are you rethinking?
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