It All Starts With Love...
Did you watch the Royal Wedding this past Saturday? Or, rather- since there were more than 29 Million viewers- who didn't watch it?
If you saw it, what did you think? I must say that originally I was not going to watch but was up early and got mesmerized in all the pageantry.
Many reviewers and commentators talked about the love in the air and how different this felt than other royal weddings. It might be because it was such a beautifully sunny day (rare) or the sense of relaxation from the guests as they walked the little distance to the chapel with that calming backdrop of castle stones or the fact that the expectation for Prince Harry (the spare) is much different from his older brother.
It certainly seemed as if the two newly weds are very much in love. I guess compared to Prince Harry's parents, there is a difference with Harry and Meghan yet I would surmise that most young people on their wedding day are very much in love. Or at least in love with the notion of love.
On wedding days, are the intendeds really enamored with commitment and marriage? Hopefully so. Weddings are wonderful. A joyous occasion to see family and friends. An excuse for all of us to dress up and to feel a little royal and to bask in the glow of love. But I wonder about the long term love? The true sickness and in health, richer or poorer, to death us do part. (I must admit snickering at the poorer part of the vow. The royal family. Poor?) It is in those tough times that the remembrance of the good times is so important. Hopefully these two can stay the course.
The one thing that seemed to be evident- Meghan Markle was calm, poised, and serene at the wedding. She seems like the real deal. People love authenticity. Now of course, she is an actor and is used to acting, "as if", but if that is the case, she certainly is a really good actress. The wedding event would be a performance of a lifetime, witnessed by millions of people and a cadre of folks who are ready to pick apart any signs of weakness, nervousness, or missteps.
From the various news reports about her as well as reading her own words, I think that there are some lessons to be learned from her:
- Class (and being classy) is not so much a position but an attitude. Doesn't matter what one's background might be, how much money one has or who is one's parents, we all can behave regally, graciously, and with poise.
- Be true to oneself. If you feel convicted of an idea, thought or decision, stick to your guns. Don't let others tell you how you should and shouldn't behave. The Duchess is one who has always supported women's rights and in speaking for those who cannot. Seems as if she will continue even under her new title.
- Be comfortable with yourself. None of us can control to whom we are born and under what conditions. There may have been behind the scenes dramas that the press wasn't privy to but the Duchess of Sussex didn't excuse or explain her father or half-siblings. She doesn't have to justify what she has done to overcome her background. She is who she is.
- All of us are royal on the inside. If you follow your heart, be true to yourself, remain gracious, self-assured, you too are Duchess material. Each one of us has been made in the image of the King of the Universe. We are royal. When we exhibit the characteristics of faith, hope and love we exhibit our royal connection. It is the love that lifts us out of whatever condition we find ourselves in and we all have the same opportunity to experience it.
It does all start with love. As the Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry said during the wedding service,
"Someone once said that Jesus began most revolutionary movement in all of human history, a movement grounded in the unconditional love of god for the world. And a movement mandating people to live that love. And in so doing, to change not only their lives but the very life of the world itself. I'm talking about some power, real power, power to change the world.. King was right. We must discover love. The redemptive power of love and when we do that, we will make of this old world a new world."