Happy Belated Birthday Dr. Johnson
Monday was Samuel Johnson's 308th birthday. That's a lot of candles. Dr. Johnson, as he was called, is considered the founder of the dictionary as well as novelist, essayist, etc. He was also quite the curmudgeon. He was known for quite the zingers.
"Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good." Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/samueljohn161407.html
Lately I have been wanting to increase and improve my vocabulary. I find that I repeat certain words when I am sure that there must be a better word to use. Depending to whom I am speaking, I will sometimes be in awe of the word usage. "Those are words I have not even thought about or have ever used." I have always loved the etymology of words. Once known, I will think, "Yes, that describes exactly what I want to say!"
In looking into how one can improve one's vocabulary, here are a couple of suggestions I found:
1) Spaced repetition. This basically says that you should review what you learn over time. In fact, they say that the best time to transfer your short-term memory to long-term is in the interval when the information is on the verge of being forgotten. One of the principles behind the vocabulary learning apps- they continually remind you to practice short intervals each day. Click here to read a more in-depth article.
2) Use your technology through Apps. Here are some recommended ones: Vocabulary.com; PowerVocab; Magoosh Vocabulary Builder; A Word a Day Widget; 7 Little Words; Word to Word; Words with Friends; Penny Dell Crosswords
3) Use the old-fashioned method. Pick up a dictionary, randomly go through it, write down the word and practice saying it, using it in a sentence. Play scrabble or do a crossword puzzle.
4) Subscribe to a word of the day email alert. Click here to subscribe to Merriam-Webster's calendar.
5) Other resources. Click here for word lists, helps.
What about you? How's your vocabulary? Need improvement? What words do you say over and over?
“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. “Tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”