Location Perspective
I don't know about you, but I have a hard time being present and enjoying my current moments. I am so used to planning- personally and professionally- that I seem to get more enjoyment in the planning process than in the implementation.
I find that this also carries out in my enjoyment of where we live. When I first moved to the larger area, I loved this little town where we currently live. I looked forward to one day living here. In fact I chose to live here. But lately I am not so enamored with our area. I see other locales and wonder if the "grass would be greener" living there.
Is it a case of "familiarity breeds contempt"? In looking at this objectively, some things have changed in the town and its environs but a lot has not. Of course I have changed. Some lifestyle preferences in the past are different tastes now.
That being said I was thinking of some people I know who will be temporarily moving to a resort type area, one that is on the water. I wondered if while they are living and working there, would they avail themselves to the particulars of that area? Would they take some time to go to the beach as that is the bonus for living there?
I wondered about myself and where I live? What is unique to my area? Do I avail myself to those resources? Do I appreciate the particulars of living here? Do I treat the area with excitement as when I first moved here? Can I view it like a visitor or someone who chooses to come here voluntarily?
Many times I think we do treat the familiar with contempt. We no longer are "excited" by it and want to move on to something else, something that will rekindle the "excitement". Certainly we see that with personal relationships. Can also be said with professional relationships or even our personal possessions. Certainly there are times to move on, to rid oneself of baggage or things that we don't need, use or like. But on many levels I wonder if we just need to change our perspective.
I have been challenging myself to think of ways to look at my environment with a new and different eye. Here are some thoughts:
- In my neighborhood: take a different direction on my walks, engage in community activities (those I haven't done), try a different grocery store or patronize local stores.
- Be a "tourist" for the day. Discover a new restaurant or museum. Patronize a local school sporting or dramatic event, e.g. (music program, theater, art show)
- Visit local historical society. Find out about the area's history.
- List the positive attributes of the location. What was the draw initially?
- In my household: Move knick knacks, pictures, decor items. Try living with less decorative items displayed for a while. Change the lamps locations or change the wattage in the lamps.
- Use different plates, glassware for meals. Resurrect the use of some long forgotten appliance (juicer or food processor?)
- Sit in a different chair for reading, watching TV, etc.
- Change the intention and/or flow of certain rooms: e.g. maybe the dining room would better serve as living room, etc.
- Shop my closet. Mix and match items from different seasons, try different color combinations. Resurrect old jewelry.
- Create new outdoor spaces for sitting and gathering.
When I look at my friends who will be living in a new place, I hope that they use and enjoy the area. I would feel sad for them if they missed out on a new or different opportunity. I should view my situation the same. Wouldn't it be a shame to miss out on an opportunity in my current situation because I was planning and waiting for a future that may or may not happen?
What about you? How are you in enjoying the moment? Do you enjoy where you live? Do you avail yourself of its innate qualities? How can you change your location perspective?