National Days
Last week I heard a brief announcement that Monday, November 9th was National “Go to An Art Museum” Day” . I had never heard of that before and so I looked it up. Apparently a marketing firm, TOP agency, promotes national days for every day of the year. Some are made up to promote a specific product. (No surprise there because it is a marketing firm after all.) Others are just fun. On their website: they have a calendar for each day and an explanation of what you can do to “celebrate” and why it is important.
For instance on the 9th, the website states why go to an art museum because a) you can be tourists for a day in your city, b) you can learn something new, c) you can participate in an activity that helps clear our heads. All reasonable and necessary rationales.
I thought how best we can “celebrate” this idea of visiting a museum under our current pandemic restrictions. Rather than physically visiting an art museum, go online and “visit” one of the collections. Or, take a tour through Viking cruises (how about that for promo!)- This coming week, Viking has different historians talking about WWII and WWI. All these suggestions are reminders that there are other things happening in the world besides pandemics and elections. There are things to learn and to create and that doing so collectively can draw us together as a community.
Isn’t that one of the reasons that we celebrate? To come together over a shared experience, idea, or belief? To put aside whatever differences we might have and to recognize, at least for a day, some of our “sameness”?
Today, November 11th, is Veterans’ Day. A little more serious than National Sundae Day or Single’s Day as other “celebrations” that the National Today website has also declared for Nov. 11th.
I think of all the national weariness we are experiencing due to the election, I would hope that Veterans’ Day draws us together: to remember the sacrifices that those who served in the military have made and to honor those individuals. On this day, we choose as individuals in this country, to come together and to be one in our appreciation. It takes a special person to serve in the military- to leave all that is familiar and become part of a unit and mindset that defends a country.
In thinking about Veterans’ Day, I found this program online- Music Therapy of the Rockies. The Music Therapy of the Rockies program helps veterans suffering with PTSD. In a retreat-like setting, the veteran is teamed with a songwriter. Using music therapy techniques, the veteran leaves the program with a song and a guitar. It is in the process of writing the song that healing begins.
What a beautiful program- coming together through the unity of songwriting and the collective creative process to provide a therapy that helps heal those honored individuals who gave so much in order that we can maintain our individual and collective freedom.
And what a beautiful thing to think that not only can we heal one another by joining together in singleness of purpose in honoring others but we can also heal one another by creating music together.
Music has such an impact on us. Sometimes it is only through the notes and lyrics that feelings can be expressed where actions and speech do not. While listening to music is important, the act of creating music, whether writing the music or making the sound, is very important. According to Dr. Anita Collins, educator, researcher in the field of brain development and music learning, playing instruments is good for the brain, even more so than any other art form. It is the playing of instruments that engages the entire brain- in an interconnected, total workout of the brain. (Click here for a TED talk explanation.)
What about you? What holidays- official, religious, or for fun- do you celebrate? What brings you together with others? Celebrating a person (birthdays), a belief (Easter), or nation (July 4th)? Do you even know why you celebrate? If you are celebrating a person, what can you do to honor them?
Have you ever had an opportunity to collaborate with others on a creative project? Do you play an instrument? Would you want to try a new one? Supposedly many older folks are trying the ukulele or harmonica. Small, easy to learn instruments which can be a lot of fun. Personally the kazoo is my favorite. Just the sound of the word makes me smile.
Today as we remember and think of the veterans who have served our country and ultimately us, say a special prayer for them.
Today is also a good day to reflect on the ideas that bring us together as a nation: whether that is through a collective creative process, a shared experience of work, school or neighborhoods. Today is a day of solemn celebration.
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” ― Victor Hugo
“Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Veterans’ Day treat: Click here for the video of Amy Grant singing America the Beautiful at the Vietnam Memorial in DC in 2017.