Holy Week
Today as it is in the middle of Holy Week, I thought I would leave you with a painting:
The Virgin with Child and Saints Jerome and Dominic by Filippino Lippi.
In our small group, we are studying The Prayer Course by Pete Greig (prayercourse.org). For me, it comes as a timely reminder about prayer and ways to deepen my prayer life.
This last week, Pete shared the story of this painting. As it hung in the National Gallery, it was considered “second rate” for the artist, as the perspective seemed to be off. It was not until an art critic knelt down before the painting and looked up at it, did they realize that the painting was meant to be hung as an altar piece and so, the viewer would be looking up. In viewing the painting that way, the perspective came into perfect alignment.
I love that reminder, that I need to look up at times. To see the bigger perspective in my life, in the life of others and in the world. As Pete Greig also reminded- we need to look at life through a telescope rather than a microscope: focus on the bigger, broader, Godly things rather than our small, minute and quite frankly, sometimes self-centered things.
What about you? Do you need a new perspective this Holy Week? Do you find yourself looking too much inward? How about changing your perspective by looking up? I know that I am attempting that each and every day.
I am not there yet, but I pray that the more I keep my eyes looking upward, the perspective in my life will come into perfect alignment.