
In cleaning out my dad's home we have had to sort through many books.  Even though my dad is a reader, most of the books were significant to my mom.  With each book I can see her lovingly cradle it in her arthritic hands as she would describe, sometimes in great detail, (no summarization for her) the book. She loved a good turn of phrase, a corny joke or a deep morally convicting story.

On the bookshelves I found newly published books as well as older ones.  The older ones weren't necessarily classics or life changing tomes but still had significant words, ideas and thoughts. 

It made me think about our words.  Those older published books that my mother saved,  don't seem relevant or significant today but must have meant something to her at the time.  

I thought how true that is with words, stories or ideas that once resonated with me.  Sometimes they still have meaning, but other times they no longer capture my attention as once before.

Then I thought- do words always have to be life changing?  Can't they sometimes be significant or meaningful just for the moment?

Even the most life changing words, those words from the Bible, speak to me at different times and different seasons in my life.  And while it is life changing, I think of the psalmist words, "thy words are a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". Like a light in the dark that just gets you to the next place down the road, sometimes the words are just what we need to get to the next stop.

What about you?  What words do you like?  What has been life changing for you?  What can you say today that might be just the right words for someone else, for just today?