Heartening Hyacinths
The other day I was taking a walk and a enticing scent wafted my way. Coming from a season of wintry smells, my memory quickly identified it as hyacinths. Every spring my scent memory gets awakened after a dormant winter. I looked around and didn't see any hyacinths nearby. It turned out they were peeking through in a small garden located a couple of homes away.
Amazing how flowers can send their scents out into the atmosphere. All in the sake for capturing pollinators. The amazing thing is how even the smallest of plants or undeveloped plant can still capture its essence. I had to trim our lilac bush and was amazed that the immature blossoms had a lilac scent.
It only takes a small amount and we can smell it.
Conversely, if any of you have ever inadvertently stepped in dog poop you know that it only takes a minuscule amount to stink.
Smells, good and bad linger.
It brought to mind how even the smallest comments can make a difference.
I think of how random comments from family, friends, teachers, co-workers or bosses become cemented in our brains. "You're too smart to be a nurse. We know you are not a writer, honey. With your size, you shouldn't wear ruffles. What do you know about gardening? Math is not your thing."
The comments might be off-the-cuff, unintentional yet they can linger for the rest of our lives. I think of those people who never attempt to try something new because years ago someone told them they couldn't. Or those who are forever struggling with identity and self worth due to someone's careless remark.
Conversely, I think of the small encouraging words people say. "You're the best suited for that job. That color looks great on you. What a great listener. You have a sterling character. He can handle the challenge."
Small, spontaneous quips that change our outlook. Like the wafting fragrance from springtime flowers, the comments lift our spirits, put a spring in our step and spread joy. It is sometimes those small comments that encourages a person to try something new or look at life in a different light.
It doesn't take any more effort to say nice things over harmful ones. One can equally let encouragement flow off one's tongue. Wouldn't it be more pleasant to be surrounded by an atmosphere of attractive scents rather than odiferous ones?
What about you? Have you ever experienced a cutting remark? Do you still remember it? Do you have an encouraging comment tucked into your soul? Did someone ever give you a compliment or make a casual remark that has changed your life? What can you say today that will encourage another person? How can you enhance the atmosphere with your pleasantries?
There are enough unpleasant smells in this world. Choose today to be part of the pleasantries. You just never know how far it will go.