Christmas (Be) Longings
Are you longing? Longing for a lost dream? A lost situation or experience? A new situation? Relaxing time? Peace of mind?
It seems as if the holidays are times of longing- Longing for family and friends, for good times, for laughter and smiles, for happiness and joy. We even long for the busyness of the season to be over. How many times have I said or have been told, “Let’s get together in the New Year when things settle down.” “I’ll do that in January when I have more time.” We long for peace, quiet and a more settled lifestyle.
It seems as if the national collective is longing to live in a Hallmark movie.
On a deeper level I think that we are longing to belong. To be known. To be loved. Unconditionally.
All those Hallmark movies can be boiled down to love. Coming home. Understanding. “To be or not to be”, says the Bard. We want to be-long.
Christmas is the time of longing- a time when all of humanity, past, present and future, long for something. The ancient Hebrew people group were longing for the Redeemer to appear. Our modern Eastern and Western worlds are longing for a time when all is right with the world. Nations want peace and prosperity. All of which will only happen when we, the world, are right with God.
Christmas is the time to remember when God came to earth to save us from ourselves. He came so that we would believe that we are known and loved. Unconditionally. By Him. That God who is Love dwelt among us and knows what it is to be-long in our frail humanity. He entered into our human condition not because He had to but because He longs for us and for relationship. He loves us. He is reaching out to each one of us so that we can come home to Him. Forever.
Better than a Hallmark movie.
What about you? Is this a season of be-longing? Have you ever thought about why we celebrate Christmas? Have you ever thought about the longings of your heart and who/what might satisfy them?
“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”