W@TW: Hope Blooms

We have had a span of cloudy, rainy and generally grey days this last week. While the weather may suit my mood it certainly does nothing for helping me improve it.

Greening just beginning...

Greening just beginning...

But "physician heal thyself".  I took my own advice: get moving, get out in nature and witness something beyond myself.  I took a run and on my returning into the house I glanced at our front garden.  We have a little garden along the front sidewalk that contains hydrangeas and roses. I peeked at the hydrangeas and some green shoots were emerging!  Every year I am amazed at the reemergence of life on dormant branches.  Life and growth never ceases to amaze me.

On a recent dog walk, I found a broken off brown and gnarly branch in the middle of the sidewalk.  It contained a fair amount of buds and I wondered if I could force them open (like you can do with pussy willow and forsythia) so I cut the branches up into a "bouquet".  This morning I noticed the flowers were beginning to emerge! The thought that this found broken and discarded branch could produce something beautiful inspires me.  It reminds me that things I think are broken may be potential for something else that has yet to be pursued.  The "broken" item might just need a different environment to thrive. 


What these early signs of spring remind me is that:

  1. Life goes on regardless of how we feel.
  2. There is potential even in those things that seem broken and used up.
  3. There is hope in this world.
  4. God loves to show us little things to remind us that He cares about all things in our lives- big and small. 
  5. Bleakness doesn't have to be a constant companion.
  6. When feeling blue, try and observe one thing in nature.

What about you?  What gives you hope?  What have you witnessed lately in the natural world around you?  Have you ever tried forcing the blooms of pussy willow or forsythia?  Is there a situation in your life that seems broken?  Is it only dormant or static and needs a different environment? 

I believe God gave us the natural world for many reasons.  One being that it is a visual reminder of His provision and goodness and care.  

Bad News

What do you do when you hear bad news?  Cry?  Stomp your feet?  Give up? Shake your fist at God? Automatically counter with good news? Hide behind busy-ness?  Numb yourself with alcohol or pills? Refuse to listen? Deny that anything is happening? 

Some days it seems as if every where you turn, everyone has bad or sad news. Life is tough and it doesn't get any easier with age. Probably it is statistical in nature- the more years you live, the more people you encounter and the more problems you witness. 

Some days I want to cry out to the universe - "Enough already!  Do we have to have all this sorrow and angst in the world? Can't something good happen spontaneously?"

Generally in those moments I don't get any response. It is for me an exercise to blow off steam and to realize that is just how life is at the moment.  

With every situation of bad news, there can be an analysis: Could something have been prevented?  Was this a case of poor choices?  Did the person not seek help earlier?  The list can go on and on.  Many times, the bottom line is that the situation is horrible.  There was/is nothing that could/should have been done.  And it stinks.

I have also come to the realization that I might question God and wonder what the heck is He doing but ultimately in my soul I know that He is in control.  As much as I may rally against Him at times, I know that He is patiently loving me as I cry out in anguish. 

I think of stories in the Bible when there was horrible news and horrible situations for individuals yet God was right there for His people.  I am sure the moments when Daniel was condemned to the lion's den or his friends to the fiery furnace there was some fist shaking at God from family members.  Or  the story of Joseph being sold into slavery and all the terrible encounters (Potiphar's wife's  accusation and then sitting in jail for years) he had to face. By all accounts Joseph did nothing to cause the problems that occurred in his life.   There may have been a "why me?" thought from Joseph but we never see that.  He recognizes that even though his brothers might have meant harm, God used that situation for good.  Ultimately in all the troubles and trials of the Bible characters, God's plans were accomplished.

While I do find comfort in knowing that God is in control, my heart goes out to those experiencing difficulties.  Words of encouragement for them can be hollow and seemingly pat.  I realize that in my heart I need to pray for them and their situation and pray that my words, if I share them, may be what they need to hear at the time. I know that when I go through tough times it is comfort to have the presence and concern of people who care. 

What about you?  Who can you comfort by your presence and prayerful words?  Are you going through a rough patch?  Is there any way you can view your situation with the lens of perspective?  Or do you need time to just be in your situation and to give yourself permission to cry out to God and tell Him that the situation stinks. Bad news is as it sounds- bad.  But it won't always be that way and that is good news. 


Start Your Week With a Smile

Last week my sister shared with me a video about the "Oldest Hip Hop Dance Troupe in the world".  They are called the Hip Op-eration Crew.  Visit their website. Their story and the story of Billie Jordan their "dance instructor" is inspirational. Click here to hear BIllie's Ted Talk

What I love about the story is that Billie reached beyond herself, her pain, and her loneliness to help others, the aged in her community, who were also feeling lonely, without purpose, and without hope for a future.  Billie believed in these marginalized elderly people and provided an expectation that was missing in their lives. As she says they no longer talk about the past but rather make plans for the future. She has given back to them their dignity and their humanity.  They in turn have given those things back to her. 

The thing is, not only has the common purpose of the troupe been good for their emotional and mental state it is also providing them with physical benefits. Sure there are healthy issues.  The ages range from upper sixties to upper nineties with the average age being eighty. But Billie works with what she has and encourages the troupe to keep striving and doing.  As of 2015, after two years from starting the troupe, she hadn't lost any to death and the consensus from their physicians was that they are all in better shape.  

As they say under their website's beliefs statement, "Even though their age can limit their dancing capabilities, they are all inspired by the founders of hip hop from the Bronx who believed it’s not about limitations, it’s about possibilities. Regardless of their age and physical ability, they are not letting those limitations get in the way of learning hip hop." 

Certainly their story is a great reminder that we are never too old to learn and grow.  We are never too old to find purpose and meaning in our lives.  We are never to old to strive for healing and wholeness in body, mind and spirit. We are never to old to encourage and inspire others. We are never too old for possibilities. 

 Click here to see The Crew perform    Watch it and be inspired.  Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.